Questions and Answers
about the Practicality of Christian Theology
Dr. Don Thorsen
What is Christian theology? Simply stated, Christian theology studies who God is and how all aspects of our lives relate to God. Thus, everything that we say about God represents our personal theological understanding.
Theology (theos, “God” + logos, “word, study”) can be studied formally by pastors and others, and such studies can stray away from matters of daily Christian living. However, the intent of theology is just the opposite. The intent is to understand God better and then to promote love for God and for others as we love ourselves (Mark 12:28-31). Theology is not just theoretical (that is, intellectual) but also practical (for example, it affects how we live the Christian life).
Here is an analogy: When I was a child, my parents told me: “Think before you speak,” or “Think before you act.” They knew that my ideas influenced my words and actions. Likewise, if we want to live more practical Christian lives today, then we need to be intentional about what we think about God, Scripture, and salvation. Historically, Christian theology developed for three reasons:
First, theology was developed in order to teach children and new converts in the form of catechisms, based primarily on Scripture.
Second, theology was developed to defend Christianity from its critics (also known as apologetics).
Third, theology was developed in order to proclaim basic Christian beliefs, for example, in creeds, confessions, and statements of faith.
打个比方:小的时候,我父母常常告诉我,在说什么话或者做什么事之前都要先经过脑子。 因为他们知道,我的言语和行为会受我思想的影响。同样的,我们现在作为基督徒,如果想要活出基督徒的样子,我们就应该要特别留意自己对神、圣经和救赎的理解。从古至今,基督教神学往往是在以下三个因素的推动下发展起来的:
Issues of Practicality 神学是否实际 问题
Chinese Church congregations pay more attention to day-to-day issues. Isn’t theology too theoretical? How is theology practical for daily Christian living?
Christian theology has to do with Christians seeking greater understanding about their beliefs (and values) and practices. Thus, theology is very practical because our beliefs influence our day-to-day practices, just as our practices influence our beliefs. Here are a couple of practical examples:
First example: If you believe that God cares about who you marry, then you will pray about who you marry; however, if you do not believe that God cares about who you marry, then you will not pray about who you marry.
Second example: If you believe that people are totally depraved by sin, then you may not put much effort into making the world a better place, other than to evangelize people; however, if you believe that God’s grace can transform people physically as well as spiritually, then you’ll care about people’s poverty and justice as well as evangelization.
例二:如果你相信人类因为罪的缘故已经完全败坏,你可能除了传福音之外就不会试图 让世界变得更好;反过来,如果你觉得神的恩典不仅可以改变人的心灵也能改变人的肉体,你可能就不会仅仅止于传福音,而会致力于改善贫窮与社会公義的问题。
Chinese churches are not very denominationally oriented. Therefore, different theological traditions are not important. Why is theology practical, given disinterest in denominations?
Most churches affirm basic beliefs about God, salvation, and Scripture, and they write them down in some kind of a “statement of faith” or list of “what we believe.” Independently oriented churches state their basic beliefs locally, and denominationally oriented churches state their basic beliefs on a national (or international) level. When basic beliefs are stated, they are making theological claims. For example, when children or new converts join a church, they are asked personal questions about their beliefs and whether they agree with the beliefs of the church that they are joining. These are theological decisions.
Pastoral Issues 教牧问题
Pastoral care takes a great deal of time and energy. Chinese congregations need practical help. Why is theology practical, given the daily needs of congregants?
I agree that pastoral care takes a great deal of time and energy, and so theology helps to rank what your ministry priorities should be. For example, should churches put priority on caring for the needs of the wealthiest church members, which after all, is a practical concern for a church’s financial sustainability? Or, should churches also put priority on caring for the holistic needs of all created in the imago Dei (Lat., image of God), which is mentioned in Scripture and elaborated on by numerous pastors and theologians in church history. Holistic ministry to people includes caring for them physically (e.g., emotionally, relationally) as well as spiritually, and socially as well as individually.
牧养关怀的工作耗时耗力,这一点都没错。神学则可以帮助我们在事工的优先次序上进行抉择。比如,教会是否应该把关注那些比较富有的会众為优先?毕竟,一个教会的经济能力确实是一个实际性的问题。或者,教会应该特别关注会众的全人牧养?因為圣经和教会历史上的神学家与牧者都不断强调,每个人都是照着神的形象造的. 而全人牧养包括了对他们在肉体(比如,情感、关系)和灵性上的关怀,而且不仅是个人层面的关怀,也是社会层面的关怀。
Chinese congregations like preachers to tell stories or Bible teaching. How does theology help pastoral preaching?
Preaching has long been important for Christians, and story-telling along with exegetical Bible teaching have been focal parts of proclaiming the gospel. Jesus spoke often in parables, for example, in teaching people how to act wisely as well as lovingly toward God and their neighbors. Theology helps Christians to make sure that preaching stays focused on the teachings of the Bible and of historic Christianity. Otherwise, preaching can become more of a show that focuses on the charisma of a preacher, which makes church attendance more dependent on entertaining churchgoers than in challenging them biblically. Personally, I’m less of a story-teller and take more of an exegetical approach, preaching verse by verse.
讲道对基督徒来说很重要。讲故事和解经式教导都是宣講福音的重要方式。耶稣就常常用比喻来讲道(比如,关于爱神和爱邻舍的教导)。神学则可以帮助基督徒確定他们听到的講道是否遵循圣经,是否符合正统的历史教导。否则,講道就无非是一场表演 而以講員的个人魅力為重点.. 教会会众的出席是靠娱乐性来吸引会众,而不是用圣经的教导来挑战会众。我个人的讲道方式比较少用讲故事的方式而偏向于解经式讲道,剖析圣经一节一节的教导,
COVID Issues 新冠病毒问题
The most pressing issue for the Chinese church is the reduction in attendance after COVID. How can theology help church growth in this practical matter?
Christian theology studies Scripture and also church tradition and relevant experience. For example, in investigating “relevant experience” concerning the reduction in church attendance, it is too easy to blame one particular experience for the decline. Although COVID has certainly discouraged church attendance, pastors need to beware of blaming low church attendance on just one cause, without evaluating how well their churches minister to people’s needs in other ways. For example, how well have churches been communicating with congregants staying at home, and how well have your clergy and lay leaders stayed personally in touch with them by phone or in person?
During this pandemic time, online worship has resulted in new habits being formed, keeping Chinese congregants away from one another at church. How could theology help this problem in fellowship?
The Nicene Creed describes the church as “catholic,” which means “universal,” or inclusive of all people, at all times, and in all places. Over the centuries, church worship has adapted, sometimes occurring outside church buildings and also by using the radio, television, and online services. I think that such church services are valid; however, if you consider face-to-face fellowship important for discipling Christians, then church leaders need to be creative in providing opportunities for face-to-face fellowship. For example, churches can emphasize adult Sunday school classes or midweek small groups, or they can emphasize refreshments after Sunday morning services, provide lunches after worship times, or potluck meals.
尼西亚信条用“大公”来形容教会。“大公”就是“全体、普世”的意思. 它应该包括随时随地所有的人。在过去的几百年间,教会的敬拜形式适应各种的情境。有时,在教堂之外, 也可以通过广播、电视、甚至网络,信徒就能参加敬拜。我認為这些聚会形式没有什么问题;但是,如果你相信面对面的团契对基督徒的门徒培训有至关重要的作用,那么教会的领袖应该要设法创造面对面团契的机会。比如,教会可以鼓励信徒参加成人主日学或者周间的小组聚会,或者他们可以在主日崇拜之后提供点心、午餐、组织尔人帶食物聚餐活动等等。
Cultural Issues 文化问题
Chinese churches tend to respect people with their leadership positions more than their beliefs or truths presented. How can theology help?
Respect for people, especially people in leadership, is an important Christian value. However, theology reminds us that we ought not to let our respect overturn biblical values, even if our cultural background places a high value on respecting leaders. Theology can help us to navigate the tensions that sometime arise in implementing biblical values that do not readily correlate with our particular cultural context. Keep in mind that I think it is important for churches to minister in ways that are culturally relevant to their congregants. However, one cannot let cultural values interfere with loving God and with loving one’s neighbors, regardless of whether or not those neighbors are a part of one’s culture.
尊重他人,尤其是尊重领导者,是一个重要的基督徒个人修养。但是,神学也提醒我们,不可讓"尊重"凌驾于圣经的价值观, 即使我们的文化背景强調尊重领导者。当圣经的价值观落实在与我们特殊文化情境中.並不全然相符而產生張力时,神学可以帮助我们化解这样的張力。請注意.我認為在教会牧养中用文化合宜的方式牧养会众是十分重要的,但是,文化价值不应该影响爱神和爱邻舍的原则——无论我们的邻舍是否和我们有着相同的文化背景。
Chinese churches struggle with communication that is superficial or indirect, due to saving “face” or maintaining relationships. How can theology help build deeper relationships?
华人教会常常因为“面子”与保持 关系,常用拐弯抹角 间接,的交流方式而影响沟通效率。神学可以如何帮助我们建立更加深层次的关系?
Communication is often difficult to achieve, and Christian theology investigates several resources for help. First and foremost, it looks to Scripture for help. However, theology also utilizes cultural studies in order improve communication among Christians whose cultural background may contribute to making conversations superficial or indirect. In addition, theology may utilize communication expertise from professionals (e.g., psychologists, counselors, or consultants), who can help pastors to communicate with their congregants and overseers, and who can help church attendees to communicate with one another in their marriages, families, and work situations.
達成良好的溝通往往很困难。基督教神学从几个方面資源寻求協助。首先也是最重要的,是借鉴圣经的教导。同时,神学也借鉴文化研究的成果耒改進 那些因为文化因素造成的沟通问题。此外,神学还借鉴沟通领域的专业人士(如心理学专家,心理諮詢师,辅导师等)的幫助,通过他们的专业訓練来帮助牧者更好的和会众以及长老进行交流,他们也可以帮助会众在他们的婚姻、家庭和职场 改進他们的溝通问題。
Children Issues 孩童问题
The Chinese Church is facing a generation gap issue. The first-generation immigrants usually speak Chinese, but the younger generation speaks English. How can theology help this practical issue?
My father’s parents were immigrants from Norway, and so he was a second-generation churchgoer. So, I have some familiarity with this issue, and there’s no single solution to it. Again, theology investigates “relevant experience,” along with Scripture and church tradition. In my experience, churches that navigate this problem better tend to listen and respond to the stated needs of second-generation immigrants, rather than demanding that they conform to first generation needs. Can this be expensive? Yes. However, if you want to keep as many second-generation children in church as you can, then you need to invest money as well as time and empathy (e.g., hiring English speaking youth pastors).
Chinese Christians emphasize getting education and social status more than encouraging their children to become pastors or missionaries. How can theology help in this matter?
I’m a parent and a grandparent, and so I understand parents’ desires for their children to become economically and domestically settled in life. As a Christian, however, I also want to support God’s ministries in our churches, which requires cultivating pastoral leaders. Now, I certainly don’t want to force children into ministry if they don’t believe that they are called to do so, because then we’ll force dysfunction in the lives of our children as well as our churches. However, if we believe that God calls people into ministry—and I wholeheartedly believe that this is true, based on my theological understanding of the church—then church leaders need to preach and teach in ways that positively presents pastoral ministry. We don’t need to downplay secular vocations, but at the same time, we need to share about the possibility of ministry, about the varieties of ministry, and about the fulfillment one experiences in ministry. Before I was ordained, I struggled with my sense of calling, not because I didn’t feel called but because of the narrowness with which ministry was presented to me. Let’s tell our children about the joys and relevance of ministry!
我自己作为一个父親和祖父,我们理解父母希望自己的孩子可以有一个经济稳定的家居生活,。但作为一个基督徒,我也希望支持教会因神开展的工作。因而需要培养年轻的牧者领袖。当然,我不会强迫孩子走服事这条路,如果孩子自己没有呼召., 否则,不仅孩子自己会过一个功能障碍的生活 也会令教会陷入困境。但是,如果我们相信神会自己呼召祂的工人——根据我的神学对教会理解,我完全相信神会这么做——那么,教会领袖就应该用正确积极的方式来呈现教牧事工。我们不需要刻意的去贬低其他世俗的專业,但同时,我们应该也要讨论参与服事的可能性,分享各种各样的服事种类和参与事工的满足感。在我被按立之前,我一直对自己的呼召感到挣扎。这不是因为我没有呼召,而是因为我对事工的理解太过狭隘。总之,我们要去和孩子们分享参与事工的喜乐和事工的适切性