Facilitated by CAC
Chinese Evangelical Theological Society
CETS Fact Sheet
CETS is a network of Chinese evangelical theological workers based in North America organized in June 2017.
“华人福音神学学会“(英文简称 CETS)於 2017 年 6 月成立,是北美华人福音神学学者的一个交流网。
Purpose Statement
CETS is formed to encourage theological discourse for the development and advancement among Chinese theological workers in N.A. to nurture a new generation of theological workers to their participation in the Fellowship to encourage in theological reflection collectively within Chinese context with global implications.
Statement of Faith
CETS abides by the faith professed since the Early Church as summarized in the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, the Apostles Creed, the Athanasian Creed and the Chalcedonian Declaration. Furthermore, CETS also recognizes the Reformation traditions such as represented by the Lutheran Augsburg Confession, the Reformed Belgic Confession and Westminster Confession, the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles, and the official Confessions of the Anabaptists, the Baptists and the Methodists.
华人福音神学学会持守从早期教会以来的信仰告白,概述於尼西亚君士坦丁堡信经,使徒信经,亚他那修信经和迦克墩信经。此外华人福音神学学会也尊重 改教运动各派的传统,其代表性陈述见于路德宗的奥斯堡信条、改革宗的比利时信条、威斯敏斯特信条和圣公会三十九条, 重洗派、浸信会和卫理公会的官方信仰告白。
Executive Committee members
戴德理博士 Dr. Wright Doyle
李业基博士 Dr. Rev. Gideon Lee
崔思凯牧师 Rev.Sze-kai Tsui
溫以諾博士 Dr. Enoch WAN
张晓丹博士 Dr. Sarah ZHANG
Volunteer Officer 职员: 陈悌 Martha Chan
CETS is a membership organization. Annual full membership donation is $100, student membership donation is $50.(membership can be in lieu of presentation). All donations will go through ERRChina under the CETS program.