Thanks to All who Joined Us for the
Video Link Available Below
Thank you to those who joined us for our last fantastic Book Club session by Zoom on Weds. Feb 5 discussing Lian Xi’s BLOOD LETTERS
Please Join us For Our Next BOOK CLUB
Weds. May 7, 5pm PT
We’ll be reading and discussing Edward Wong’s
At the Edge of Empire:
A Family's Reckoning with China
Celebrating 39 Years
Building bridges between China & the West through education & scholarly exchange since 1986.
China Academic Consortium
For 25 years, ERRChina’s China Academic Consortium (CAC) has nurtured Chinese and Western scholars, cultivating fertile ground for international exchange. We welcome you to become a member year-round.
Prepare to Go Abroad
For 35 years, we’ve sent Western teachers to China. It’s difficult to place new staff right now. We invite you to prepare with us for the future. Join our book club, attend the Worldviews Seminar, and mentor students.
Support Our Mission
All our programs are funded by donors like you who share our vision of engaging with China through engaging with Chinese scholars. More than ever, we need you. Please support our bridge-building programs today.